Rodrigues High Court & SCA Papers


High Court Proceedings

Permanent Stay of Prosecution:

1. Pleadings Bundle Volume 1

2. Pleadings Bundle Volume 2

3. Pleadings Bundle Volume 3

4. Pleadings Bundle Volume 4

5. Pleadings Bundle Volume 5

6. Pleadings Bundle Volume 6

7. Pleadings Bundle Volume 7

8. Pleadings Bundle Volume 8

9. Pleadings Bundle Volume 9

10. Pleadings Bundle Volume 10

11. Rodrigues’ Written Submissions

12. NDPP & Minister of Police’s Heads of Argument

13. Cajee’s Heads of Argument

14. TRC Commisioners’ Heads of Argument

15. SALC’s Heads of Argument

16. High Court Judgment on permanent stay

Rodrigues’ application for leave to appeal in the High Court, JHB

1. Rodrigues’ notice of application for leave to appeal

2. Cajee’s Notice of intention to oppose

3. Rodrigues’ supplementary notice of application for leave to appeal

4. Rodrigues’ application for condonation

5. Rodrigues’ Written Submissions

6. NDPP & Minister of Police’s Heads of Argument

7. Cajee’s Heads of Argument

8. High Court judgment on leave to appeal

Supreme Court of Appeal Proceedings

Application for leave to appeal to SCA

1. Index to application

2. Rodrigues application for condonation

3. Rodrigues leave to appeal application

4. High Court Judgment

5. Affidavit of Mr Malebati

6. Cajee s answering affidavit

7. NDPP s answering affidavit

8. Minister of Justice answering affidavit

9. Rodrigues replying affidavit

10. SCA Court Order

Amicus Curiae Applications

1.Former TRC Commissioners Application for Leave to intervene as amicus curiae

2. SALC’s Application to be admitted as amicus curiae

Heads of Argument

1. Rodrigues Heads of Argument

2. NDPP and Minister of Police Heads of Argument

3. Minister of Justice Heads of Argument

4. Cajee Heads of Argument

5. Former TRC Commissioners Written Submissions

6. South African Litigation Centre (SALC)

Associated Documents for SCA Hearing

1. Rodrigues Chronology

2. Rodrigues practice note

3. Rodrigues heads of argument for condonation

4. NDPP Practice Note

5. TRC Commissioners Practice Note 




