Nokuthula Simelane’s presumption of death case
Supplementary Founding Affidavit
Legal Costs case in the murder prosecution relating to Nokuthula Simelane
Part 1 of the record of the main case
Part 2 Simelane Legal Costs record
Part 3 Simelane Legal Costs record
Part 7 – Judgment in the Nokuthula Simelane legal costs case
Thembi Nkadimeng’s intervention in the legal costs case relating to the Nokuthula Simelane murder prosecution:
Nkadimeng v. the National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others (T.P.D. Case No. 3554/2015), Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa.
The family of Nokuthula Simelane (abducted, murdered and disappeared by the Security Branch in 1983) sought a court order to compel the prosecuting authority to decide whether or not to prosecute the known suspects.[1] In this application political interference in the TRC cases was confirmed by Vusi Pikoli, the former national director of public prosecutions and Anton Ackermann, the former head of the PCLU.[2] The matter was settled out of court when the then NDPP, Shaun Abrahams, decided to prosecute the suspects.
[1] Nkadimeng v. the National Director of Public Prosecutions and Others (T.P.D. Case No. 3554/2015), Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa.
[2] Zenzile Khoisan, “Government Interference Let Killers off Hook,” Weekend Argus, May 31, 2015.