- 13 Indians held in security swoop
- 2 Detainees are not political, say their parents
- 3 Freed From detention but not talking.
- 9 Anti-Apartheid Activists held by police-reports.
- 9 Detainees now held by security
- Actions are a threat to state
- Aggett probe looks at life in SP cells
- Ahmed held at police road-block
- Allegations of trial-Timol plea on inquest document
- Another name on a sad list
- Application on Sick detainee and Private man at autopsy.
- Article no heading or date
- Article no heading
- Article on George Bizos
- Article with no heading
- Attempt to uncover truth of activists death
- Biggest probe since Rivonnia.
- Blasts scatter leaflets-National Library of S.A
- Buys will not give evidence
- Captain James Gloy
- Centre will harm area, inquiry hold
- CID Chief bars Press at Court and Timol’s
- CID Chief- Timol’s Last moments
- Colonel over Timol fall
- Court packed for Timol Inquest.
- Court told of scene before the death fall and Dived head first- Timol Inquest
- Courts Finding in the Timol Inquest.
- Daily News -Ahmed’s Timol’s family wants closure
- Death falls
- Death in detention.
- Death In Detention-Must we fear to speak out
- Death of a Detainee- fasters asking why
- Death of a detainee
- Death of Detainee, Afrikaner Speaks.
- Die Transvaler Dinsdag 13 June
- Drama from the star files
- Embassies push for meetings with detainees.
- Essop describe two arrests
- Essop new court order
- Essop- Police are restricted
- Essop still in box- Questions on poem, cameras
- Essop- Subpoena order by court
- Evidence of injuries before Timol death- Timol inquest
- Expert disagree on Timol- The Timol Inquest
- Explosion scatters pamphlets-National Library of S.A
- Family must give up Fischer ashes
- Father’s Evidence- Timol Inquest
- Full probe is ordered by justice.
- General at Risk
- Geweier,Opsig, Nie Gekla
- Group Act is wholly wrong, says race institute
- Group Areas Act threat to cinemas
- Hope lingers,But anguish grows as years pass
- Hospital mystery of raided man
- How to rescue security
- Hundreds at the Timol funeral.
- I cannot find that any unlawful act caused Aggett to take his own life
- I saw no bruises – Sgt and Timol hiding claim- Timol Inquest
- I shudder for those still in detention- Death in detention .
- I shudder for those still in detention
- I was taken for a Govt man.
- If I were the Prime Minister, perhaps the fault is ours why
- Inconsistent Statements- Cid Chief quizzed
- Indians can’t fly’ and other tales.
- Information sought for Timol book.
- Inligting,Berig
- Inquest into Timol death begins after long delay
- Inquest on Timol hears letters
- Inquest Papers dispute- Timol cases judgement on friday
- Inside Mail- Allistair sparks,The Ugly action that kills good will
- Is gevind by Timol, briewe van Timol
- Is gevind by Timol.
- Judge asks for probe on detainee.
- Kolonel ontsteld oor liegery voor wyk.
- Letter to the Editor
- London papers attack Vorster…
- Mandela in jail for 25 years.
- Mitchell bitter over Govt. view of Timol Death
- Mitchells slams security police
- More evidence by pathologists of wounds on Timol’s body- Timol Imquest
- Mrs Suzman-Crowd at protest meeting.
- Muller to see report on detainee
- Muslim bodies Quote Koran Against SAIC poll.
- Must we fearto speak up- Death in detention.
- Nat. paper raps Govt. over death
- Nat. paper raps Govt.over death
- National Library of S.A Detainees- New Facts for Suzman
- Newspaper article National Library of S.A
- Newspaper Article Not Clear
- No one can see Essop
- No one is to Blame-Timol Inquest
- No one to blame for his death.
- No trace of two girls, students
- No trace of two girls,student.
- Officer of court kept from Essop
- Officer Of court kept from Essop-Dennis Beckett
- One mans’s quest for truth,not vengeance
- Plea deferred on detainees
- Police are silent on Detentions
- Police hold another man
- Police keep a blanket silence and General at risk
- Police- No undue pressure on Timol- Timol Inquest
- Police said Timol must be beaten- Timol Inquest
- Police witness tells court of pathologist’s report – Timol Inquest
- Polisieman getuig voort in Timol-ondersoek.
- Politics By Hogard de Hoogh
- Post Wanted a new heart.
- Prayers said at Ahmed Timol’s grave.
- Private man at autopsy
- Probe torture allegations
- Protest by students on arrests
- Protest over Timol death -Detainee’s family to apply for court order
- Protests over detainee death growing.
- Protests over Timols Death.
- Pupils at Nirvana High School on Lenasia
- Raided man in hospital.
- Rand Daily Mail-DIV warns PM of disquiet over custody deaths.
- Rand Daily Mail-Terrorism act -repeal
- Remember Ahmed Timol.
- Sad end for Anc protege
- Saturday Oct 30
- School renamed after Anc Cadre Timol
- Security branch were a law unto themselves, says Soweto detective
- Security man denies allegation and Detective reputes Mrs Timol
- Security police powers still to week-The Timol Inquest
- Security Police try to win trust of detainees
- Settled in Secret.
- Shared Concern
- Shock For Timol Evidence
- Sunday Times – Inside Story, The Killing of Ahmed Timol
- Suzman to Govt-Talk on detainess
- Sy Briewe leesbaar
- Terror Act protest mounts
- Terror trial Told of Detainees’s suicide bid.
- Terrorism Act- It violates Human rights
- The Eastern Province Herald
- The Public Dossier on the Act
- The Star 17-11
- The Star detainee’s death
- The Star Jhb Wednesday December 7th
- The Timol Inquest- Banned papers in boot
- The Timol Inquest- Police tried to stop fatal fall from window
- The Timol Inquest
- The Ugliness must end
- The ugly action that kills goodwill – Allistair Sparks
- The World- Detainee found naked and battered -dad
- The Young Mourn the death of Timol
- This is where it happened
- Three more held
- Timol fall finding -Nobody Blamed
- Timol Family Appeals for Justice.
- Timol Inquest 21- Counsel probe claim by Mr X
- Timol Inquest- counsel probe claim by Mr X
- Timol Inquest finding will be given today and End of Inquest
- Timol Inquest Mr Cilliers
- Timol Inquest No one is to Blame
- Timol inquest- Police Timol most unwilling to squeal.
- Timol Inquest,connection and injuries
- Timol Inquest
- Timol Inquest-Mr Nothling
- Timol Inquest-Probe
- Timol may not have died in vain
- Timol Memorial service told Sa youth must join struggle
- Timol Onthul- Name van Rooi Helpers en bomresepte
- Timol ruling to be challenged
- Timol Shock
- Timol talked to police of red training
- Timol Tears at finding of suicide, Thanks to the star readers
- Timol
- Timol-Name van Rooi helpers en bomresept
- Timol’s death Shocked the nation.
- Timol’s Father makes statement.
- Tobias slates Terror Act
- Torture is Suspected says Mike Mitchell.
- Trail told of Timol Approach- Court is packet for Timol Inquest
- Two kinds of Terrorism- Death in Detention
- Vanishing People.
- Western Cape
- What drove Timol to despair
- While The World watches,40 fight for their lives.
- Witness tells of threats at John Vorster Sq.
- World Law body wants inquiry into Timol Death
- Notes taken by Gloy during interrogation
Ahmed Timol News Archives – Undated
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