Haffejee Inquest: Inspection in Loco


Brighton Beach Police Station

18 August 2021

For the first time ever, the last remaining siblings of Dr Hoosen Haffejee enter the cell where he died in August 1977. Haffejee’s death was ruled a suicide by the Apartheid security branch but an inquest into his death has since been opened.

Courtesy of : Thabiso Goba: @ThabisoGoba2 @WitnessKZN

Thivash Moodley, aeronautical engineer, makes a demonstration (recreation) showing how “improbable” it is that Haffejee would have hanged himself. (Real demonstration is around the 1:10 mark)

Courtesy of : Thabiso Goba: @ThabisoGoba2 @WitnessKZN

Expert witness T Moodley
