Ubuntu (South Africa) and Hasta Brata (Indonesia) are humane value systems, which place human beings at the centre of societies. Both promote ethical leadership.
Imtiaz Cajee will apply humane values to the concept of transitional justice for the transition from apartheid to democracy to achieve political and legal justice for the victims of apartheid era injustice.
Rajen Reddy will apply humane values to the concept of the industrialisation of SMMEs in the value-adding supply chains in the modern industrial economy to achieve redistributive economic justice in favour of the victims of apartheid.
KBRI Pretoria is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: WEBINAR Wayang: Ubuntu Value In Hasta Brata Story of Javanese Puppet Play
Time: Oct 16, 2020 10:00 AM Harare, Pretoria
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