Imam Haron Foundation: Anniversary Programs


                                                                 An update on Imam Haron Inquest

Corruption an Obstacle to Transitional and Social Justice

Imam Abdullah Haron was killed in Apartheid police custody on the 27th September 1969. The Imam was held incommunicado for 123 days in which he was interrogated and tortured for his resistance to the Apartheid state. A post mortem into his death found, 26 separate bruises, a hematoma over the lumbosacral area and the seventh rib broken. The annual Imam Abdullah Haron Lecture will this year focus its attention on issues of corruption, transitional and social justice. 2020 has already been a tumultuous year.

The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic is felt in all aspects of society, sadly in South Africa, by the rampant corruption that accompanied the states delivery of personal protective equipment. The pandemic has increased the already high rate of unemployment, and has increased the inequality in a very divided society. Public confidence in the state is severely impacted by corruption, feelings of insecurity and resentment for high food, electricity and water prices. To placate the masses, the response from the State President has been, “dance the Jerusalema”.

The Apartheid state acted in the interest of a few at the expense of the majority. Key figures in the current ruling elite have been identified in corruption at the Zondo Commission into State Capture as benefitting a few and acting against the growth and development of the country.

The task of delivering justice for the people falls on the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and the Hawks, in particular. Until we do not see high profile prosecutions, arrests and imprisonment that fits the crime, the people will continue to lose confidence in the state. But as families of Victims of Apartheid Era atrocities will attest, the NPA is incapable and unwilling of prosecution. Our proof for such a bold claim is that for more than 20 years the NPA has not prosecuted even one perpetrator involved in the deaths in detention that took place under Apartheid. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) did not have a blanket amnesty process for perpetrators. It required perpetrators of political crimes, to reveal all and apply for amnesty. Many security policemen did not appear at the TRC. The TRC referred 400 cases to the NPA for further investigation and prosecution especially in cases of murder.

The impunity that exists on matters of corruption in South Africa today, emanate from this lack of political will to investigate and prosecute on Apartheid era crimes, with the urgency that it required.  By not prosecuting Apartheid era criminals, the NPA sent a clear message to criminals and the corrupt that you can commit whatever crime they wish and there will be no consequences. The rampant corruption and overwhelming crime in post conflict societies, sadly is not uncommon.

If transitional justice is the full range of processes and mechanisms associated with a society’s attempts to come to terms with the legacy of large-scale abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation, then what we have experienced in the past 26 years falls far short of what was due to us as a population. We were fed reconciliation without justice. There has not been full accountability for the large-scale abuses under Apartheid that was clearly identified as a crime against humanity. This is evidenced by families seeking justice for Apartheid era killings of their loved ones. This is also true for Apartheid era economic crimes and for the war crimes of the South African Defense Force and its Military Intelligence in neighboring countries.

Apartheid era security policemen especially those responsible for torture and deaths and their political principals were given political assurances, that they will not be purged for Apartheid crimes, from their jobs that they will not lose their pensions and they will not be prosecuted. We are yet to be provided evidence that these assurances were legal and herein lies the opportunity for those seeking justice. The NPA, its Investigative Directorate and the Hawks must take the population into its confidence and act independently and with courage on matters of both Apartheid era killings and Corruption. The NPA, must share what is its lack of capacity, identify and expose those that were part of political interference in the execution of its mandate and if need be find its own sources of funding to ensure its independence.

If we are to have a society that is free from corruption, one that is socially just in which its citizens can live in peace, prosper, in which we remove the barriers that people face because of gender, race, age, religion, then we should continue to make our voices heard and sacrifice for what we believe as shown to us by leaders such as Imam Haron, Babla Saloojee and Steve Biko, all three of whom we commemorate in this month.

For all media queries, contact Cassiem Khan at 076 640 7928 and email at:

