
The families of Nicodemus Kgoathe (04 February), Simon Modipane (28 February), James Lenkoe (10 March), ​Caleb Mayekiso (01 June), Michael Shivuthe (17 June), Imam Haron (27 September) and Jacob Monnakgotla (10 September) will in 2019 be commemorating their 50th anniversary of their deaths in apartheid-era police detention.

Families of the many anti-apartheid activists who lost their lives whilst in police detention and in skirmishes with security police are eagerly monitoring court proceedings pertaining to Joao Roderiques, charged for murder and defeating the ends of justice for the killing of Ahmed Timol.

Judge Monama will be presiding over hearings on the 28th January 2019.  Following the hearing on 19 December 2018, Timol’s nephew, Imtiaz Ahmed Cajee, who has been admitted as a party to the proceedings launched by Rodrigues for a permanent stay of prosecution, has to file his answering affidavit on 8 January 2019. Rodrigues’s replying affidavit is to be filed on 15 January 2019 and all parties must file their heads of argument on 25 January 2019, when details on the argument pertaining to the application for Roderiques’s permanent stay and quashing of proceedings will be addressed. 

The outcome of this case will impact on all TRC cases that remain to be investigated. This includes the pending cases against Neville Els and Seth Sons who were found by the 2017 inquest court to have lied under oath when they claimed they were not aware of any torture perpetrated at John Vorster Square.  Els and Sons have not been indicted as yet. It will also have bearing on the case against the four Security Branch officers accused of the murder of Nokuthula Simelane.

The Ahmed Timol Digital Exhibition will be launched in 2019. The exhibition comprises of key parallel components: An updated narrative of the life, times and murder of Ahmed Timol, and a series of key edited film clips of the 2017 re-opened inquest.

Cajee, who has been pivotal in preserving his uncles’ legacy, will be launching his 2nd book on his beloved uncle. He adds, “Engagements with a publisher are at an advanced stage. We await the conclusion of the Roderiques court case for the final chapter of the book to be concluded,” adds Cajee. The book will provide context to the arrest of Timol that remains shrouded with mystery.

An Ahmed Timol Golf Day has been planned for March 2019 to raise funds for the Ahmed Timol Family Trust.

Issued by the Ahmed Timol Family Trust

